Welcome to Bandwidth's home for network updates. Here, you will find information pertinent to outages, scheduled maintenance, and general notices with real-time updates.
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance in our Belgium and Germany data centers. While all steps are being taken to minimize impact, there will be a brief period during the maintenance when new calls may be lost. Existing calls will not be impacted. Posted on
Feb 06, 2025 - 14:49 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance in our Los Angeles and New York data centers. While all steps are being taken to minimize impact, there will be a brief period during the maintenance when new calls may be lost. Existing calls will not be impacted. Posted on
Feb 06, 2025 - 14:51 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance in our Australia and China data centers. While all steps are being taken to minimize impact, there will be a brief period during the maintenance when new calls may be lost. Existing calls will not be impacted. Posted on
Feb 06, 2025 - 14:53 EST
Bandwidth will be performing scheduled maintenance in the global Belgium data center. As a part of the maintenance, with the intent of minimizing impact to voice services, Bandwidth will be removing voice traffic from the global Belgium data center, redirecting traffic to geo-redundant global data centers. As a result of the traffic removal, customers may observe their voice traffic being routed to/from them through our geo-redundant global data centers. Customers connecting directly to the global Belgium data center may also elect to proactively re-route their traffic to our geo-redundant data centers to avoid any possible disruption to services. The following services will encounter a brief interruption during the maintenance: International Number searching, ordering, and porting - Bandwidth App Messaging - VoxSMS Legacy Global Portal Posted on
Feb 11, 2025 - 14:30 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on the Bandwidth Dashboard. During this maintenance window, the Bandwidth Dashboard portal and API will be momentarily inaccessible.
During the brief period of inaccessibility, customers will be unable to search inventory, view orders, place orders or perform any other portal/API functions. API calls to the Bandwidth Dashboard will time-out with no response.
Outbound API Callbacks to customers (i.e. order updates, port-out notifications, etc.) will be queued for delivery when the maintenance completes. Posted on
Feb 13, 2025 - 09:17 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on our messaging platform. There will be a brief delay in SMS messaging service in LAX. Binds to LAX will bounce but messages will be queued and delivered once LAX comes back online.
All traffic going to DFW will be unaffected during this event. Customers may choose to point all traffic to DFW to ensure no interruption to service.
For assistance defining your specific geo-redundant location or for any additional clarification, please reach out to our Customer Success Team via the bandwidth.com/support portal. Posted on
Jan 31, 2025 - 10:06 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on our messaging platform. There will be a brief delay in SMS messaging service in DFW. Binds to DFW will bounce but messages will be queued and delivered once DFW comes back online.
All traffic going to LAX will be unaffected during this event. Customers may choose to point all traffic to LAX to ensure no interruption to service.
For assistance defining your specific geo-redundant location or for any additional clarification, please reach out to our Customer Success Team via the bandwidth.com/support portal. Posted on
Jan 31, 2025 - 10:08 EST
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the delivery of inbound and outbound SMS messages. Posted on
Jan 21, 2025 - 12:33 EST
Resolved -
Our partner has advised the outage is resolved and provisioning is functioning as expected at this time. We’re considering this incident resolved.
Feb 16, 08:42 EST
Investigating -
We’re currently investigating an outage reported by an industry partner that may be causing provisioning delays for 10DLC campaigns. Relevant teams are engaged and we’ll provide updates as they become available.
Feb 15, 22:55 EST
Resolved -
We have deployed a fix and confirmed it completed successfully. We're now considering this incident resolved.
Feb 14, 17:25 EST
Update -
We’re continuing to work with industry partners on a solution to this issue.
Feb 14, 06:43 EST
Identified -
We’ve identified the underlying issue causing the delays. Our teams are working to mitigate and we will provide further updates as the situation develops.
Feb 13, 12:59 EST
Investigating -
We’re currently investing delays in campaign provisioning. Relevant teams are engaged and we’ll provide updates as they become available.
Feb 13, 12:36 EST
Resolved -
There was an outage with our carrier in Bulgaria between 4:29am and 4:46am ET today, 2/14/25, that affected service. The network has recovered at this time and traffic is working g as expected.
Feb 14, 04:30 EST
Resolved -
There was a disruption of service over a subset of LATAs between 3:42pm and 4:31pm ET today 2:13 that would have impacted inbound and outbound traffic, causing call drops and failures. The issue is mitigated at this time and traffic is functioning as expected.
Feb 13, 15:30 EST
Resolved -
We’ve confirmed orders are processing as expected, and we’re considering this incident resolved at this time.
Feb 13, 15:29 EST
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented to process delayed orders. We're currently monitoring for completion. New updates should be processing normally at this time.
Feb 13, 13:22 EST
Identified -
We’ve identified an issue causing delays in LIDB order processing. Relevant teams are engaged and we’ll advise once we have further updates.
Feb 13, 12:39 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 13, 06:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 13, 01:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the delivery of inbound and outbound SMS messages.
Feb 7, 15:04 EST
Resolved -
We've confirmed stability and we're considering this incident resolved. The outage affected orders that were adding E911 locations. Failed orders can be resubmitted and should process as expected.
Feb 12, 18:35 EST
Monitoring -
A fix was implemented for the issue and we’re currently seeing orders complete as expected. We’ll continue to monitor for stability.
Feb 12, 17:45 EST
Investigating -
We’re currently investigating an issue with the BW App resulting in E911 orders timing out and not completing. This is only affecting some orders.
Feb 12, 17:11 EST
Resolved -
We're experienced an incident that cause a small amount of failed traffic through ATL between 16:57 and 17:02 ET 2/11/25. We've confirmed stability with the network at this time.
Feb 11, 17:00 EST
Resolved -
We've confirmed stability and we're considering this incident resolved.
Feb 11, 14:20 EST
Monitoring -
We’ve deployed a fix and traffic has returned to normal. We’re currently monitoring for stability.
Feb 11, 12:52 EST
Identified -
We’ve identified the issue and we’re working to deploy a fix. In an edit to the previous update, this issue is only affecting outbound traffic.
Feb 11, 11:50 EST
Investigating -
We're currently investigating an incident impacting voice traffic through DFW. Relevant teams are engaged.
Feb 11, 11:31 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 11, 08:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 11, 00:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's MMS/SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the provisioning of campaign telephone numbers.
Feb 10, 15:09 EST
Resolved -
We've confirmed stability and we're considering this incident resolved.
Feb 10, 22:02 EST
Monitoring -
We've deployed a fix for the issue and We're currently monitoring for stability.
Feb 10, 16:42 EST
Identified -
We've identified the issue and we're currently working to deploy a fix.
Feb 10, 16:29 EST
Investigating -
We're currently investigating an issue causing some unexpected call behavior through our ATL and DFW datacenters. Relevant teams are engaged and we'll provide further updates as they become available.
Feb 10, 15:57 EST
Resolved -
Bandwidth teams have been advised by the impacted vendor of a prolonged complete resolution time and, as such, are closing this incident. A temporary resolution has been implemented to return (4)774 rather than (4)752.
Due to the prolonged complete resolution time given by the vendor, please visit our Known Issues support page for further details.
Feb 10, 11:31 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident affecting unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. The affected vendor is currently blocking unregistered messaging traffic with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 instead of the expected codes (4)476 or (4)773.
To address this issue, a temporary adjustment has been implemented to return error code (4)774 instead of (4)752.
Feb 9, 20:31 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident affecting unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. The affected vendor is currently blocking unregistered messaging traffic with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 instead of the expected codes (4)476 or (4)773.
To address this issue, a temporary adjustment has been implemented to return error code (4)774 instead of (4)752.
Feb 9, 09:23 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident affecting unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. The affected vendor is currently blocking unregistered messaging traffic with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 instead of the expected codes (4)476 or (4)773.
To address this issue, a temporary adjustment has been implemented to return error code (4)774 instead of (4)752.
Feb 8, 22:03 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident affecting unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. The affected vendor is currently blocking unregistered messaging traffic with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 instead of the expected codes (4)476 or (4)773.
To address this issue, a temporary adjustment has been implemented to return error code (4)774 instead of (4)752.
Feb 8, 11:38 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue investigating this incident affecting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. The impaired vendor is currently blocking unregistered messaging traffic with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 instead of the expected codes (4)476 or (4)773.
To mitigate this issue, a temporary adjustment has been made to return error code (4)774 instead of (4)752
Feb 7, 15:05 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
At this time, a temporary change has been implemented to return (4)774 rather than (4)752.
Feb 7, 07:34 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
At this time, a temporary change has been implemented to return (4)774 rather than (4)752.
Feb 6, 17:48 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
At this time, a temporary change has been implemented to return (4)774 rather than (4)752.
Feb 6, 10:47 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
Feb 6, 07:44 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
Feb 5, 17:05 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes.
Teams are actively working with the impaired vendor to restore expected error codes.
Feb 5, 14:07 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident in partnership with the impacted vendor.
Feb 5, 08:27 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident in partnership with the impacted vendor.
Feb 4, 19:25 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident.
Feb 4, 14:18 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams continue to investigate this incident.
Feb 4, 11:53 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams have identified an incident impacting Unregistered 10DLC Messaging Traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic is being blocked with error codes (4)750 or (4)752 rather than the expected (4)476 or (4)773 codes. Teams are actively working to ensure the correct error code is provided for Unregistered 10DLC Traffic blocking.
Additional details on 10DLC Registration can be found on our support site.
Feb 4, 09:56 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 8, 16:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 8, 11:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the delivery of inbound and outbound SMS messages.
Feb 4, 16:20 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 8, 11:37 EST
Update -
Our Bandwidth teams have been notified by an industry vendor that there are delays in processing 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events. We are actively collaborating with this vendor to ensure timely provisioning resumes as soon as possible.
Feb 7, 15:03 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 7, 11:09 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 7, 07:35 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 6, 17:47 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 6, 14:33 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 6, 07:42 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 8, 04:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 8, 01:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on our global calling platform. While Bandwidth is taking necessary steps to minimize impact to calls, there may be a brief disruption to new calls initiated via the internet during the maintenance window. No impact to existing calls is anticipated. Customers sending and receiving calls via a direct connection will not observe service disruptions.
Jan 23, 09:28 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 7, 15:01 EST
Monitoring -
Bandwidth teams are observing the expected portal behavior; teams will monitor for prolonged stability.
Feb 7, 11:21 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident impacting Insights and Reporting on the Global Portal (FKA Voxbone). These reports and insights are not available as expected. Teams are working to restore expected portal behavior.
Feb 7, 11:08 EST
Resolved -
Bandwidth teams identified and resolved an incident impacting Impact to Streaming and Transcription services. During this brief time, Streaming and Transcription services were not functioning as expected, as of this time both services are operating as expected.
Feb 5, 17:12 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 5, 16:36 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams have been alerted by an industry vendor that 10DLC Campaign Provisioning events are delayed in processing. Teams are actively working with this vendor to resume timely provisioning.
Feb 5, 15:57 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 5, 13:53 EST
Monitoring -
Bandwidth teams are observing expected Port Order activation and previously delayed activations complete and activate. Teams will continue to monitor for prolonged stability.
Feb 5, 13:18 EST
Update -
Bandwidth teams are investigating vendor incident impacting On and Off Network Port Orders. At this time, Port Orders are delayed in activation.
Feb 5, 12:36 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams are investigating vendor incident impacting On and Off Network Port Orders. At this time, Port Orders are delayed in activation.
Feb 5, 11:25 EST
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 5, 11:05 EST
Monitoring -
Teams are observing expected Inbound MMS behavior and will continue to monitor for prolonged stability.
Feb 5, 07:08 EST
Identified -
Teams have identified the source of this incident and are working to restore expected MMS behavior.
Feb 5, 06:42 EST
Investigating -
Bandwidth teams are investigating an incident where incorrect media is delivered for inbound MMS messages for a sub-set of destinations.
Feb 5, 01:22 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 5, 08:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 5, 00:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's MMS/SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the provisioning of campaign telephone numbers.
Feb 4, 16:18 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 4, 00:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 3, 23:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth will be performing scheduled maintenance on our messaging platform in the global Belgium data center. While all steps have been taken to minimize messaging impact, the following service may encounter a brief interruption during the maintenance: Messaging - VoxSMS - multi-segment inbound SMS
Jan 22, 08:07 EST
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 3, 08:00 EST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 3, 00:00 EST
Scheduled -
Bandwidth's downstream vendor will be performing maintenance that will potentially affect Bandwidth's MMS/SMS messaging platform. During the maintenance window, Bandwidth's customers may experience a delay in the provisioning of campaign telephone numbers.
Jan 31, 09:59 EST