Welcome to Bandwidth's home for network updates. Here, you will find information pertinent to outages, scheduled maintenance, and general notices with real-time updates.
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Mar 04, 2024 - 04:30 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on the Bandwidth Dashboard. During this maintenance window, the Bandwidth Dashboard portal and API will be momentarily inaccessible.
During the brief period of inaccessibility, customers will be unable to search inventory, view orders, place orders or perform any other portal/API functions. API calls to the Bandwidth Dashboard will time-out with no response.
Outbound API Callbacks to customers (i.e. order updates, port-out notifications, etc.) will be queued for delivery when the maintenance completes.
Posted Feb 22, 2024 - 09:41 EST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Number Management Services (New Number Ordering, Number Porting, Inbound Calling - Caller ID Lookup (CNAM)).