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Incidents across areas

SMS Messaging Maintenance - DFW
Scheduled for Feb 27, 00:00 - 02:00 EST
Bandwidth will be performing maintenance on our messaging platform. There will be a brief delay in SMS messaging service in DFW. Binds to DFW will bounce but messages will be queued and delivered once DFW comes back online.

All traffic going to LAX will be unaffected during this event. Customers may choose to point all traffic to LAX to ensure no interruption to service.

For assistance defining your specific geo-redundant location or for any additional clarification, please reach out to our Customer Success Team via the bandwidth.com/support portal.
Posted Jan 31, 2025 - 10:08 EST
This scheduled maintenance affects: United States Messaging Services (SMS Messaging (SMPP), REST APIs - HTTP SMS Messaging).